Saturday, July 16, 2011


 My sweet best friend,  Jessie, took her last breath on June 18th, 2011.  What I am sharing today is a poem I wrote for her...

Her name was Jessie, my very best friend,
I was there by her side right to the end.
She closed her eyes, and took a sigh of relief,
At least this is what I will make myself believe.

I held her as a puppy so full of life,
Not a bone in her body held any strife.
She loved me completely without any doubt,
And now  I am, broken,  her I'm without.

I hear you say  that in time my hurt will heal,
So I am not so sure you know how I really feel.
My pain is so deep and utterly unending,
I can’t foresee it ever start mending.

I love you Jessie and always will,
For me your image will forever stand still.
A sweet face, so loving, happy and true,
I will cross that Bridge someday to be with you.

~Shannon Burk~ 2011

I miss you so much baby girl!  xoxoxoxoxoxoxox

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Friends vs. Buddies (Acquaintances)

For me the word "Friend" has a lot meaning behind it, just like the words "Love" and "Hate".  I feel that people throw these words around way too easily.  For me a "Friend" is someone that has gained that status and my trust.  I personally know a LOT of people, but I have very few friends.  Sadly even in recent history there have been some people that I thought were friends, but they showed me otherwise, and I can't even consider them buddy status now.

Another place that I think the word "Friend" is used WAY TOO LOOSELY is Facebook... Currently I have 307 Facebook "friends".  Do I think that 307 of those people are really my Friends?  No of course not... I have at the most 10 people that I consider friends on my Facebook. 

I can say that I have been blessed with having very good people in my life and a lot of love.  I am very fortunate, and do not take any friendship for granted.  I appreciate everyone that has touched my life with goodness and I am thankful for them all whether it be a Friend or Buddy...

Just my $.02 from Yours Truly, 
~Google Girl~

Friday, January 28, 2011

Positive Energy

As I was sitting here today at work I was listening to people around me talking... some were talking about how they hate their jobs, some were talking about how they heard a rumor of a reorg and it just got worse and worse and just being in the negative energy zone I could start feeling myself becoming depressed. I realized this and snapped myself out of it for I know that too many people worry about anything and everything and all that leads to is painful, useless fear about hypothetical events, which drowns happiness rather than ensuring it. If we could just focus on gratitude, studies have shown that we can shut down part of the brain that worries... This is true! I know for a fact that when I think positively even in the midst of not so great things, life looks so much better and positive than if I brood and worry about it... So I think we owe it to ourselves to start sending out positive energy and getting it back... seriously if you start doing this, "What's the worst that could happen?" LOL

Yours Truly,

Google Girl

Monday, January 24, 2011

Six little HUGE impact words

Recently a very close and dear friend of mine gave me some very powerful advice that I have come to adapt into my everyday decision making. What he had said to me was "What’s the worst that could happen?" Yes I know looking at those 6 little words really does not seem like a big deal, but trust me they can have a HUGE impact on how you look at things. For example, say you were to lose your job tomorrow?  "What’s the worst that could happen?" Yes there are many things that can happen but thinking this way also allows you to see what wonderful things you truly already have in your life. So if I lost my job tomorrow... I could very well end up losing my home, but you know what? Is that really the worst thing that could happen? I have friends and family that I know would without a thought be there for me to help me out. I would eventually find another job and life would go on. Let's say you’re in a relationship that has grown to one of comfort and convenience but you are too afraid to leave it? So let’s think about that, if you were to leave the relationship, "What’s the worst that could happen?" Yes I know life can be scary, but it can be really fun too and I think that too many of us are too afraid to take chances that we are cheating ourselves of wonderful happeneings around us. So the next time you are too afraid to take that next step, I implore you to say to yourself or even out loud "What’s the worst that could happen?" and you never know, it may just change your life!

Yours Truly,

~Google Girl~

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Jessie is on the Mend

Everyone knows how much I love Jessie and how heartbroken I was when mysteriously she was unable to walk due to her back legs not working. (The doctor believes it may be nerve damage near the base of her spine) Well it has been a long go of it over the last few weeks of having to be her back legs (through all the major snow storms) tand watching as my used to be happy-go-lucky-sweet Lab would look at me with sadness and not even an attempt at wagging her tail.  So you can imagine my surprise when on Friday when coming home from work Jessie was here standing on all 4 leggs wagging her tail waiting for me at the front door. Though she is still on her road to improvement, the pure joy of seeing her play in the snow with all the happiness of a Lab, was the best present I could have ever got. 

Yours Truly,

~Google Girl~

Friday, January 21, 2011

Jessie My Furry Angel

Wow has Jessie been through a lot with me in her short 15 years! She has traveled across borders of provinces and borders of countries with me. She is my best friend, the one who has always been there for me no matter what, and she trusts and loves me unconditionally. So you can understand my sadness when there was not much I could do for her recently when she suddenly lost the use of her 2 back legs. The Veterinarians could only assume from the tests that she had some nerve damage and our hope was that she would come out of it. I looked at the Dr. with tears in my eyes and said "She is your dog, what would you do?" I know him personally and know that he would not lie and he said he would give her a chance... so through all these snowstorms and ice storms I have been Jessie's back legs, but she does not complain.. and I keep thinking about how she has always and is always there for me no matter what. She has started to take some steps on her own, of course seeking of food... She always had a love for food before anything else. I look at her as I write this... she is lying on my bed, yes she gave me the puppy dog eyes till I helped her up (all 90 pounds of her) and she has one paw on me and is wagging her tail. She knows I don't feel well and she wants me to feel better. My sweet baby that has her own issues, loves me so much. Makes me love that I get to spend one more day with her and of course her favorite toy "Tickle Me Elmo"


Yours Truly,

~Google Girl~

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

I do NOT do Mornings!

I am so not a morning person!  Anyone that knows me knows to stay clear of me till at least 12:00 noon when I become the sweet person I am!  LOL.  I don't know what it is with mornings that I hate so much or why they make me want to punch something.  I have always been this way and it does not matter if I get 20 hours of sleep or 2 hours, it is always the same. I find it even worse on days that it is raining or I have to get up to shovel out from a big snow storm.  This morning was no different then any other, except as I looked around me, all my 5 animals had positioned themselves close to me.  It truly did make me smile, and then actually laugh out loud.  One of my cats that did not get the memo to stay clear actually head bumped me in the face, his way of saying he loves me... so I guess this morning may not have started out so bad if I think about it.  Then I had to go to work... Uggggg... why can't I just stay in my happy place with head bumping kitties, and cuddly puppies?

Yours Truly,

~Google Girl~

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

What happened to Community?

When we have HUGE snow and ice storms it brings forth a sad reality that we no longer have Community Love or even Like as we once did.  It used to be that neighbours would help other neighbours shovel or snow blow out.  These days people just say "That's not my job".  Seems like we have lost a lot of compassion for humanity somewhere along the line.  Today as I went out to shovel out for a 4th time, I was very surprised to see that someone had done it for me.  Who was it?  No Idea, but whoever it was, Thank you so much!  It is people like you that can help bring back the "C's"... Compassion and Community.  So tonight I sit here on the brink of not believing but that just pulled me an inch away from the edge...

~Google Girl~

Monday, January 17, 2011

You get what you pay for

One of my biggest Pet Peeves these days is people complaining about social networking sites like "Facebook" and how it does not do this for them or it does that when they want it to do something else.  People!!!!  Seriously get serious here!!!!!  Facebook is free!!!  It does NOT have to do ANYTHING for you at all!  If you are so unhappy with it, why don't you try to make a new and improved social networking site instead of complaining about a free to use site? 

BTW, I must say that I for one LOVE Facebook!  For a free site, it is pretty awesome! Just my $0.02.

~Google Girl~

Can women and men be friends?

I have a lot of guy friends, as do some other of my female friends. A lot of people claim that men and women cannot be friends as the men will always want more. I disagree. I do believe that I have many male friends that do not want more from me. Could I be naive? What are your thoughts on this subject?

~Google Girl

Question of the day....

So the question of this day is "Why do men say they will tell the truth but they really don't"? So what do I mean by this? Lets use this example... Lets say a guy and girl start dating and they are all into each other hot and heavy. Everything is going well and then one day the guy stops talking so much, they stop wanting to hang out so much the hot and heavy has kind of cooled off. So the Girl is left thinking that something is wrong and she asks the guy. The guy says "no baby nothing is wrong its all in your head" or something along those lines. So the girl believes it but the guy keeps cooling off and making the girl feel worse and worse... this could go on for a little while or a long time. Usually the end result is that the girl starts feeling so bad, unwanted, neglected and depressed that she will just leave the guy and there will be no future for a friendship between these two. Now had the guy just said he was not feeling it anymore, yeah the girl would be hurt but it would be like pulling off a band aid, the pain gets over and out of the way fast instead of being drawn out and making the girl feel worthless... So I would love to hear the comments from both men and women...

From Yours Truly,
Google Girl