Friday, January 21, 2011

Jessie My Furry Angel

Wow has Jessie been through a lot with me in her short 15 years! She has traveled across borders of provinces and borders of countries with me. She is my best friend, the one who has always been there for me no matter what, and she trusts and loves me unconditionally. So you can understand my sadness when there was not much I could do for her recently when she suddenly lost the use of her 2 back legs. The Veterinarians could only assume from the tests that she had some nerve damage and our hope was that she would come out of it. I looked at the Dr. with tears in my eyes and said "She is your dog, what would you do?" I know him personally and know that he would not lie and he said he would give her a chance... so through all these snowstorms and ice storms I have been Jessie's back legs, but she does not complain.. and I keep thinking about how she has always and is always there for me no matter what. She has started to take some steps on her own, of course seeking of food... She always had a love for food before anything else. I look at her as I write this... she is lying on my bed, yes she gave me the puppy dog eyes till I helped her up (all 90 pounds of her) and she has one paw on me and is wagging her tail. She knows I don't feel well and she wants me to feel better. My sweet baby that has her own issues, loves me so much. Makes me love that I get to spend one more day with her and of course her favorite toy "Tickle Me Elmo"


Yours Truly,

~Google Girl~

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