Saturday, July 16, 2011


 My sweet best friend,  Jessie, took her last breath on June 18th, 2011.  What I am sharing today is a poem I wrote for her...

Her name was Jessie, my very best friend,
I was there by her side right to the end.
She closed her eyes, and took a sigh of relief,
At least this is what I will make myself believe.

I held her as a puppy so full of life,
Not a bone in her body held any strife.
She loved me completely without any doubt,
And now  I am, broken,  her I'm without.

I hear you say  that in time my hurt will heal,
So I am not so sure you know how I really feel.
My pain is so deep and utterly unending,
I can’t foresee it ever start mending.

I love you Jessie and always will,
For me your image will forever stand still.
A sweet face, so loving, happy and true,
I will cross that Bridge someday to be with you.

~Shannon Burk~ 2011

I miss you so much baby girl!  xoxoxoxoxoxoxox

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