Tuesday, January 18, 2011

What happened to Community?

When we have HUGE snow and ice storms it brings forth a sad reality that we no longer have Community Love or even Like as we once did.  It used to be that neighbours would help other neighbours shovel or snow blow out.  These days people just say "That's not my job".  Seems like we have lost a lot of compassion for humanity somewhere along the line.  Today as I went out to shovel out for a 4th time, I was very surprised to see that someone had done it for me.  Who was it?  No Idea, but whoever it was, Thank you so much!  It is people like you that can help bring back the "C's"... Compassion and Community.  So tonight I sit here on the brink of not believing but that just pulled me an inch away from the edge...

~Google Girl~

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