Wednesday, September 28, 2016

Signal Indicators - Turning people into Psychopaths

Does anyone else have multiple issues with Signal indicators... when I say issues I mean you are really nice one moment and then you turn into a screaming angry Psychopath in 2 seconds flat... let me give you some of my real life examples...

You are driving behind someone (probably a little too close) and out of nowhere (it seems) they make a turn?  You slam on your breaks and shout obscenities at them, that only you can hear behind the closed windows of you car, demanding to know why they did not give you the appropriate warning of the turn via the Turn Signal Indicator??

 How about that guy who has his signal light flashing cause he must want to get over right?. You are feeling particularly nice so you slow down to let him in, he makes no move to go, you keep going slow to let him in.  Your frustration rises as you realize that they just never turned the signal off once they used it last and again you are left to scream obscenities that only you can hear... unless you have passengers of the 1 - 4 legged variety... than they get the treat of hearing it....

What about those people that put their indicator light on to change lanes... they turn it on and start to move without even looking cause they must feel that the light automatically gives them the right, like they are entitled... I have seen this cause too many accidents and close calls to my liking...

You gotta love the person that uses the turn signal while already in the turn... Ummmm thanks for letting me know you are turning when I already knew you were turning cause you were turning... JERK! 

Signal Indicators when not used appropriately have the ability to turn anyone into a Psychopath... Please people I implore you, help us not become mental - use the turn signals the right way.  :-)  If you do I promise to stop yelling obscenities at you that you cannot even hear... 

Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Bring Back Our Girls????????

    Is anyone else annoyed, upset, insulted or any number of other adjectives over the fact that the 1st Lady - Michelle Obama held that sign and did a pouty selfie with a sign that read:  #BringBackOurGirls... Okay before anyone crucifies me, I feel horrible for all the girls and families impacted by the atrocities happening in Nigeria and almost 300 kidnapped girls and what might be happening to them.  But what about OUR girls?  What about ALL the horrors that are happening right now to all the kidnapped children in the USA? All the Girls, Boys and others that have been forced into the sex trade right in our own country??  Aren't they worth having the 1st lady hold a sign and doing a pouty selfie for them or are they nothing to her?  Are both her and the President more worried about how much air time they will have rather then what happens in this country? We are all aware that actions speak louder than words so they must really love their air time and hate this country... The reason I even bring up the fact of their love for air time is who in Nigeria that have anything to do with what has happened is going to log into whatever social networking site they may have, and turn from their evil ways after they see Michelle Obama telling them to return OUR girls and don't forget the pouty selfie... I wonder if she posed many times prior to picking the picture to put up... Like really?  I have to agree with Christine Sisto over at National Review wrote, "This trend is the perfect blend of the social-media generation’s laziness and the need to belong to something ... If Michelle Obama had held up that sign and then scheduled a trip to Nigeria, or spoken to the families of the kidnapped students, or met with President Jonathan, urging him to take action, or donated some of her personal money to a Nigerian non-profit, her gesture might have been credible." Since she did not it again leads us to she must be looking to get a Grammy for her performance... well that will look nice next to the Presidents Nobel peace prize... what did he do to get that again??  Oh never mind that is a whole other bitch session... Before I go on let me end with  I think that Ann Coulter summed it up perfectly when on  Sunday night when she tweeted her own biting response in the form of her own pouty selfie captioned, "#BringBackOurCountry."....

Thursday, August 22, 2013

Where is the OUTRAGE???

Remember the Trayvon Martin case?  Who could forget??? It was all over the news everyday,(still is) the President had tears in his eyes on camera about it. And of course Rev. Al Sharpton and Rev. Jesse Jackson were right there condemning George Zimmerman, and are still on a witch hunt for him.  Now flip over to the senseless killing of Chris Lane. When White House, spokesman Josh Earnest was asked to comment on it he stated that he was not familiar with the case????  When asked why the president had not weighed in on it, he noted that when Obama spoke of the Trayvon Martin case, he also spoke in general terms "about the impact of violence in communities all across the country."  Really?  (Yes lets talk about Trayvon again cause we have not talked enough).   I remember Obama stating that Trayvon could have been his child.  What about Chris? Have we heard the president say "if I had an illegitimate child with a white woman, he might have looked like Chris Lane? ”  No because the President is not talking about it!!!  Chris was innocent, and defenseless, as he was gunned down in the streets by 3 African American teens who were BORED????  Where is the reaction people??? Where is the anger? Where is the Media Outrage? Why were there protests all over the US of people with skittles demanding justice for Trayvon but not even a peep for Chris Lane.  Where is our  Rev. Al Sharpton and Rev. Jesse Jackson??  Can't you all blatantly see the hypocrisy between this and the Trayvon Martin coverage?... So again I ask "Where is the outrage?" Are you getting mad yet???  How much does it take cause I know I am outraged!


Angry Google Girl

Saturday, July 16, 2011


 My sweet best friend,  Jessie, took her last breath on June 18th, 2011.  What I am sharing today is a poem I wrote for her...

Her name was Jessie, my very best friend,
I was there by her side right to the end.
She closed her eyes, and took a sigh of relief,
At least this is what I will make myself believe.

I held her as a puppy so full of life,
Not a bone in her body held any strife.
She loved me completely without any doubt,
And now  I am, broken,  her I'm without.

I hear you say  that in time my hurt will heal,
So I am not so sure you know how I really feel.
My pain is so deep and utterly unending,
I can’t foresee it ever start mending.

I love you Jessie and always will,
For me your image will forever stand still.
A sweet face, so loving, happy and true,
I will cross that Bridge someday to be with you.

~Shannon Burk~ 2011

I miss you so much baby girl!  xoxoxoxoxoxoxox

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Friends vs. Buddies (Acquaintances)

For me the word "Friend" has a lot meaning behind it, just like the words "Love" and "Hate".  I feel that people throw these words around way too easily.  For me a "Friend" is someone that has gained that status and my trust.  I personally know a LOT of people, but I have very few friends.  Sadly even in recent history there have been some people that I thought were friends, but they showed me otherwise, and I can't even consider them buddy status now.

Another place that I think the word "Friend" is used WAY TOO LOOSELY is Facebook... Currently I have 307 Facebook "friends".  Do I think that 307 of those people are really my Friends?  No of course not... I have at the most 10 people that I consider friends on my Facebook. 

I can say that I have been blessed with having very good people in my life and a lot of love.  I am very fortunate, and do not take any friendship for granted.  I appreciate everyone that has touched my life with goodness and I am thankful for them all whether it be a Friend or Buddy...

Just my $.02 from Yours Truly, 
~Google Girl~

Friday, January 28, 2011

Positive Energy

As I was sitting here today at work I was listening to people around me talking... some were talking about how they hate their jobs, some were talking about how they heard a rumor of a reorg and it just got worse and worse and just being in the negative energy zone I could start feeling myself becoming depressed. I realized this and snapped myself out of it for I know that too many people worry about anything and everything and all that leads to is painful, useless fear about hypothetical events, which drowns happiness rather than ensuring it. If we could just focus on gratitude, studies have shown that we can shut down part of the brain that worries... This is true! I know for a fact that when I think positively even in the midst of not so great things, life looks so much better and positive than if I brood and worry about it... So I think we owe it to ourselves to start sending out positive energy and getting it back... seriously if you start doing this, "What's the worst that could happen?" LOL

Yours Truly,

Google Girl