Wednesday, September 28, 2016

Signal Indicators - Turning people into Psychopaths

Does anyone else have multiple issues with Signal indicators... when I say issues I mean you are really nice one moment and then you turn into a screaming angry Psychopath in 2 seconds flat... let me give you some of my real life examples...

You are driving behind someone (probably a little too close) and out of nowhere (it seems) they make a turn?  You slam on your breaks and shout obscenities at them, that only you can hear behind the closed windows of you car, demanding to know why they did not give you the appropriate warning of the turn via the Turn Signal Indicator??

 How about that guy who has his signal light flashing cause he must want to get over right?. You are feeling particularly nice so you slow down to let him in, he makes no move to go, you keep going slow to let him in.  Your frustration rises as you realize that they just never turned the signal off once they used it last and again you are left to scream obscenities that only you can hear... unless you have passengers of the 1 - 4 legged variety... than they get the treat of hearing it....

What about those people that put their indicator light on to change lanes... they turn it on and start to move without even looking cause they must feel that the light automatically gives them the right, like they are entitled... I have seen this cause too many accidents and close calls to my liking...

You gotta love the person that uses the turn signal while already in the turn... Ummmm thanks for letting me know you are turning when I already knew you were turning cause you were turning... JERK! 

Signal Indicators when not used appropriately have the ability to turn anyone into a Psychopath... Please people I implore you, help us not become mental - use the turn signals the right way.  :-)  If you do I promise to stop yelling obscenities at you that you cannot even hear...