Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Bring Back Our Girls????????

    Is anyone else annoyed, upset, insulted or any number of other adjectives over the fact that the 1st Lady - Michelle Obama held that sign and did a pouty selfie with a sign that read:  #BringBackOurGirls... Okay before anyone crucifies me, I feel horrible for all the girls and families impacted by the atrocities happening in Nigeria and almost 300 kidnapped girls and what might be happening to them.  But what about OUR girls?  What about ALL the horrors that are happening right now to all the kidnapped children in the USA? All the Girls, Boys and others that have been forced into the sex trade right in our own country??  Aren't they worth having the 1st lady hold a sign and doing a pouty selfie for them or are they nothing to her?  Are both her and the President more worried about how much air time they will have rather then what happens in this country? We are all aware that actions speak louder than words so they must really love their air time and hate this country... The reason I even bring up the fact of their love for air time is who in Nigeria that have anything to do with what has happened is going to log into whatever social networking site they may have, and turn from their evil ways after they see Michelle Obama telling them to return OUR girls and don't forget the pouty selfie... I wonder if she posed many times prior to picking the picture to put up... Like really?  I have to agree with Christine Sisto over at National Review wrote, "This trend is the perfect blend of the social-media generation’s laziness and the need to belong to something ... If Michelle Obama had held up that sign and then scheduled a trip to Nigeria, or spoken to the families of the kidnapped students, or met with President Jonathan, urging him to take action, or donated some of her personal money to a Nigerian non-profit, her gesture might have been credible." Since she did not it again leads us to she must be looking to get a Grammy for her performance... well that will look nice next to the Presidents Nobel peace prize... what did he do to get that again??  Oh never mind that is a whole other bitch session... Before I go on let me end with  I think that Ann Coulter summed it up perfectly when on  Sunday night when she tweeted her own biting response in the form of her own pouty selfie captioned, "#BringBackOurCountry."....