Sunday, April 17, 2011

Friends vs. Buddies (Acquaintances)

For me the word "Friend" has a lot meaning behind it, just like the words "Love" and "Hate".  I feel that people throw these words around way too easily.  For me a "Friend" is someone that has gained that status and my trust.  I personally know a LOT of people, but I have very few friends.  Sadly even in recent history there have been some people that I thought were friends, but they showed me otherwise, and I can't even consider them buddy status now.

Another place that I think the word "Friend" is used WAY TOO LOOSELY is Facebook... Currently I have 307 Facebook "friends".  Do I think that 307 of those people are really my Friends?  No of course not... I have at the most 10 people that I consider friends on my Facebook. 

I can say that I have been blessed with having very good people in my life and a lot of love.  I am very fortunate, and do not take any friendship for granted.  I appreciate everyone that has touched my life with goodness and I am thankful for them all whether it be a Friend or Buddy...

Just my $.02 from Yours Truly, 
~Google Girl~